Mechanical Engineering

In a spirit of knowledge transfer, we propose personalized support to the FEA profession.

Train your employees to secure the critical design points of your products, strengthen the knowledge and skills of your technical teams in their mechanical dimensioning and finite element analysis approaches.

Do not wait any longer to make your teams autonomous!

Name Duration Goals
Sécurisez vos points critiques de conception * 1 day(s) Sécurisez vos points critiques de conception (soudures, assemblages boulonnés, besoins et validations normatives des structures mécano-soudées et assemblages mécaniques).
Boostez vos compétences en FEA ** 1 day(s) Maîtrisez la non-linéarité sous Ansys – matériaux et contact
Crash et dynamique rapide *** 1 day(s) Devenez expert en dynamique rapide sur Radioss

The workshop format - Inoprod adapts itself

Let’s work together on a training program, specific to the needs and context of your company. Contact us to know more.