Innovate together

A customized service for your R&D

Expertise and collaboration to support your innovation

Our long-standing experience supporting our clients allows us today to create partnerships or collaborative teams around a consistent and common goal of co-innovation.

Whatever the sector of activity or the job, Inoprod provides its customers with a structured industrial vision in their projects. We use this vision for the benefit of our internal R&D and of our customers’ R&D through our expertise in project management, our business expertise and the experience of our employees.

Whether you need support in the definition, structuring of your project or on the technical part in our areas of expertise, our collaborators will be able to bring you their know-how within your team and your project.

Our participation in your R&D projects can be carried out at several levels

Deux opérateurs en poste
Collaborative project development
Rouages qui tournent
Organization, structuring of innovative projects
Personne avec un tableau
Use our expertise to support innovative projects in collaboration or as a service provider
tableau avec graphique
Optimization of development costs by the Research Tax Credit

Make an appointment with an expert

Or contact us : +33 (0)4 73 27 20 89 (FR) / +1 (438) 921-5381 (CA)

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