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Risk management

INDUSTRIAL RISK MANAGEMENT All companies, whatever their size, present risks related to their activities and infrastructures that may have more or less significant consequences for employees, property, the environment, the company's image and the economy. Identifying, assessing and dealing with risks proactively are essential to ensure the company's long-term profitability. Inoprod trains you in industrial...

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Industrial engineering

University – Tecnomatix Process Simulate Complet Help your teams to become autonomous in the management of a flow or robotized process study project thanks to our training path. We offer a set of methodological training program, laying the foundations of the theory related to the simulation of industrial flows and processes, modeling and project management....

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Software solutions

Process sim – Pick & Place trajectory development module Help your teams to become autonomous in the management of a flow or robotized process study project through the mastery of reference software solutions: - Tecnomatix Plant Simulation: the production flow simulation software - Tecnomatix Process Simulate: the software for robotic process simulation Numerous modules are...

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